The best delicious Naan Bread #1 recipe with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions that are straightforward and foolproof. Try this Naan Bread #1 recipe today!
Hello my friends, this Naan Bread #1 recipe will not disappoint, I promise! Made with simple ingredients, our Naan Bread #1 is amazingly delicious, and addictive, everyone will be asking for more Naan Bread #1.
What Makes This Naan Bread #1 Recipe Better?
The answer is simple, Simplicity, Foolproof, Straightforward, and Tested. Yes, all recipes have been tested before posting including this Naan Bread #1.
Ready to make this Naan Bread #1 Recipe? Let’s do it!
Oh, before I forget…If you’re looking for recipes that are simple to follow, then we’ve got your back. With over 55,000 recipes in our database, we’ve got the best recipes you’re craving for.
2 lb Strong white flour
2 tb Baking powder
2 tb Granulated sugar
4 tb Greek yoghurt
2 ts Salt
4 ts Sesame seeds
1 ts Onion seed
Lukewarm water
Little melted ghee; or corn
From: (Guy Holman)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 12:02:45 GMT
The traditional and by far the best way to cook Naan bread is in a tandoor,
a clay oven. However this is not exactly standard kitchen equipment so I
will use a grill instead.
Put all the ingredients except the ghee or oil into a large bowl. Add water
a little at a time and work it into the flour. When you have a nice lump of
dough remove from the bowl and knead on a floured board until the dough is
well mixed. Put the dough back into the bowl and leave in a warm place for
a couple of hours to rise. It should double in size, becoming elastic and
bubbly. Knock back the dough and knead it back to its original size. Divide
the dough into 4 pieces, roll each into a ball, then roll each ball out on
a floured surface until it is about 12″ in diametre and 1/4″ or more in
thickness. Repeat with the other balls.
Preheat the grill and cover the rack with foil. Put bread on grill and
watch it carefully, as soon as brown patching appears on the surface remove
from the grill. Turn it over brush with ghee or oil and put it back under
the grill. Cook until sizzling, remove and serve at once.
This is truly stupendous bread!!!!!!
From the Chile-Heads recipe list. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe
4 Servings
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