The best delicious Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a recipe with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions that are straightforward and foolproof. Try this Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a recipe today!
Hello my friends, this Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a recipe will not disappoint, I promise! Made with simple ingredients, our Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a is amazingly delicious, and addictive, everyone will be asking for more Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a.
What Makes This Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a Recipe Better?
The answer is simple, Simplicity, Foolproof, Straightforward, and Tested. Yes, all recipes have been tested before posting including this Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a.
Ready to make this Almond Legend Cake ::xwcg89a Recipe? Let’s do it!
Oh, before I forget…If you’re looking for recipes that are simple to follow, then we’ve got your back. With over 55,000 recipes in our database, we’ve got the best recipes you’re craving for.
1/2 c Chopped almonds
1 pk P.Plus Yellow Cake Mix
1/2 c Orange juice
1/2 c Water
1/3 c Oil
1/2 ts Almond extract
3 x Eggs
Whole almong
1/2 c Apricot preserves
2 1/2 ts Orange juice
Heat oven to 350F. Generously grease bundt or 10-inch tube pan. Gently
press 1/2 c. chopped almonds in bottom and half way up sides of pan.
In large bowl, combine cake mix, 1/2 c orange juice, water, oil,
almond extract and eggs at low speed until moistened; beat 2 minutes
at high speed. Stir in whole almond. Carefully pour batter into
prepared pan. Bake at 350F for 35-45 minutes or until toothpick
inserted in center comes out clean. cool upright in pan 10 min.;
invert onto serving plate. In small bowl, combine all glaze
ingredients;blend well. Spoon over warm cake. Cool completely. The
“Almond Legend” is that whoever gets the whole almond is assured of
good luck.
16 Servings
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