The best delicious Apricot Fruit Cake recipe with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions that are straightforward and foolproof. Try this Apricot Fruit Cake recipe today!
Hello my friends, this Apricot Fruit Cake recipe will not disappoint, I promise! Made with simple ingredients, our Apricot Fruit Cake is amazingly delicious, and addictive, everyone will be asking for more Apricot Fruit Cake.
What Makes This Apricot Fruit Cake Recipe Better?
The answer is simple, Simplicity, Foolproof, Straightforward, and Tested. Yes, all recipes have been tested before posting including this Apricot Fruit Cake.
Ready to make this Apricot Fruit Cake Recipe? Let’s do it!
Oh, before I forget…If you’re looking for recipes that are simple to follow, then we’ve got your back. With over 55,000 recipes in our database, we’ve got the best recipes you’re craving for.
1/2 c Dried Apricots; Snipped
1/2 c Raisins; Light
1/4 c Sugar
1 1/2 c Sugar
8 oz Cream Cheese; Softened
1 c Butter
1 1/2 ts Vanilla
4 Whole Eggs
2 1/2 c Sifted Cake Flour
1 1/2 ts Baking Powder
1/2 c Pecans; Chopped
1. Combine apricots, raisins, the 1/4 cup sugar and 2 cups water in
2. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 15 to 20 minutes. Drain
well and set aside.
3. Cream together the 1 1/2 cups sugar, cream cheese, butter and vanilla.
Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
4. Sift together cake flour and baking powder.
5. Add to creamed mixture and blend well.
6. Fold in apricots and pecans.
7. Spoon into well greased and floured 10″ fluted tube pan.
8. Bake at 325 degrees for 65 to 70 minutes.
9. Cool completely.
Remove from pan. Wrap in foil, store overnight.
NOTES : This is worth the effort.
1 Servings
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